Expert Advice & Solutions for Property Investment

Investment Property Loans

Finding the right property in the right location is only half the battle when it comes to making the most of an investment property. Finding the right finance for your investment is the other half. Stratique Finance in Perth is here to help. With nearly two decades of experience, we provide strategic financial solutions tailored to your investment goals, ensuring you maximise your returns and minimise risks.

Equity Release & Refinancing

It may be as simple as an equity release from an existing property to be used as a deposit for the new purchase. However, it might require a complete refinance and uncross-collateralisation of your entire portfolio to ensure the correct structure for your investment strategy going forward. Stratique Finance can guide you through these processes, ensuring you have the optimal financial structure.

Developing Your Investment Strategy

Maybe you don't have a strategy yet. In such cases, you need to talk to us immediately! We offer a free and comprehensive review of your situation, helping you set goals and develop a long-term investment strategy. Our expert advice will help you achieve your investment goals efficiently and effectively.

Portfolio Review

This is what sets us apart from the competition. Few professionals offer a true performance review of your investment property portfolio. At Stratique Finance, we work with you to ensure your investments perform optimally. Our process ensures that your investment decisions minimise risk while increasing the likelihood of success and strong returns. We aim to help you build the freedom, lifestyle, and security you seek.

Wealth Creation

At Stratique Finance, we understand that you invest to lead the lifestyle you desire. Whether it's the dream home, an extensive investment property portfolio, or other assets, we focus on helping you achieve these goals through effective investment strategies. With a focus on cash flow, equity, leverage, capital growth, and yield, we ensure you make informed decisions that build your wealth.

Why Property?

Property investment offers numerous advantages:

More Millionaires

Property millionaires outnumber those from any other investment class.


Property investment is not just for the wealthy; most people can start with a small deposit and a steady income.


Banks recognise property as excellent security, lending a high percentage of its value.

Growing Income

Rental income from investment properties increases over time.

Consistent Capital Growth

Residential property in Australia has a strong track record of high, consistent capital growth.


Use Other People's Money (OPM) to increase your investment potential significantly.


You make the decisions and have direct control over your returns.


Numerous ways to add value through refurbishments or renovations.

No Need to Sell

Capitalise on increased value without selling by increasing your loan.

Forgiving Investment

Property is a forgiving asset over time, almost guaranteed to rise in value if held long enough.

Contact Stratique Finance Today

Not all investment properties are created equal. Through our network of business contacts, we sometimes have access to exclusive investment opportunities. Whether you need help finding the right property or developing a solid investment strategy, contact Stratique Finance today to ensure you get it right the first time. Let us help you build your wealth and secure your financial future.

Maximise your investment returns. Contact Stratique Finance at (08) 9387 8010 today.

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